There are things that cannot be said with words... ...but only to feel or not feel, perceive or let slip. Here, when I met Sofia, I immediately understood that this charming, young lady would be our ideal Global Ambassador; the global ambassador of Scavia!!!
Clarence, his partner, has been a personal friend of mine for years. He is very much in love with Sofia and is next to her without dominating her with her charisma, indeed, he often lets himself be enlightened by her splendor! So... long live Sofia, global ambassador of Scavia, interpreted of the refinement, taste, culture that belong to her and that she, with a smile, communicates to us!!!
There are people, very often they are women, who possess a rare magic: to fascinate others! Whether this happens consciously or unconsciously does not matter.
It happens for mysterious reasons, for their gaze, their way of walking, managing, talking or not talking. It is an uncommon gift that makes these people stand out above others. Here,one of these people is Sofia. Fragile, determined, sensitive, mysterious...
An unforgettable ambassador of the beautiful, the rare, the precious. Ambassador of art and culture...ambassador of Scavia.